Awalnya dikira batang kayu.. Saat di tarik, Orang² terkejut.. Ternyata itu adalah......wooow...

Awal nya di kira sebatang kayu.. Saat di tarik.. Orang orang terkejut.. Ternyata adalah.. Woow...

Jika kita melihat seperti ini.. pasti nya kita sendiri tidak menyangka.. seperti kelihatan tunggul kayu yg reput di dalam air..

Setelah mereka melihat dengan teliti.. membuat ramai orang berkumpul utk memyaksikan satu penemuan sejarah perperangan di zaman nazi..

Dengan semangat mereka membersihkan peninggalan sejarah yg mungkin sudah berusia lebih 60 tahun.. kereta kebal keluaran tahun 1940 an

Sebuah kereta kebal yg di anggap byk memusnahkan kereta kebal nazi.. penemuan sejarah ini tidak di lepaskan peluang pd org awam utk sama2 melihat dgn jarak dekat..

Pihak tentera bertungkus lumus membersihkan tank tersebut.. mereka cuba utk memperbaiki semula agar peninggalan sejarah itu dpt di tonton pd org awam..

Siapa sangka kan.. penemuan itu mungkin secara tidak sengaja.. dan bagai mana sebuah kereta kebal itu berada di dalam sungai..

Bagaimana penemuan tersebut.. layari video ini hingga habis.. pasti ada jawapan nya..

Adakah dpt di pulihkan semula...

Selama 60 tahun di dalam air.. tiada siapa menyangka itu adalah sebuah kereta kebal..

Semoga terhibur dengan pengkongsian ini... sekadar hiburan utk anda semua.. jika anda terjumpa.. adakah anda menyangka itu adalah tunggul kayu atau di sebalik nya..

Terima kasih melayari channel kami...

Sila tonton video:

Become a Day Trader Online Before you decide to become a day trader online you need to have as much knowledge of the various techniques employed as possible. You will want to read Trader Online some books and study a few different techniques before you decide on which technique suits you best and Trader Online which trading style you prefer. It is important to start trading with a small amount of money at first and Trader Online as your confidence as an day trader online grows Trader Online you can increase the amount of money you trade with. There are a vast amount of different trading techniques available to the investor, some work Trader Online better than others and some do not work Trader Online at all. In the day trading market the general technique involves studying stock patterns and charts and then Trader Online setting up certain times to buy a certain stock. Study the various techniques. The Demo Account. Trader Online Most stock trading companies have a demo Trader Online account where you can practice trading stocks without actually risking any real money. This is a great way Trader Online to learn the ropes as it were, before making any trades Trader Online . Check Out Out The Companies Background. Day trading can be a risky business so Trader Online it is important to learn as much as you can about the various day trading online techniques. You Trader Online will also want to learn as much as Trader Online possible about the companies you are trading with. Many investors prefer only to trade with companies that they would feel Trader Online comfortable investing in long term. This Trader Online gives the trader the confidence to walk away from the stock if it fails to make a profit in the short term, Trader Online safe in the knowledge that it will make a profit in the long run. Find A Low Cost Online Broker. For the day trader online, keeping Trader Online your costs low with every trade you make is of utmost importance. This is because the fees you pay Trader Online directly eat into your profits so of course the fees you pay need to be as low as possible. I am not suggesting Trader Online however, that you go out and find the cheapest online broker there is, as the service you receive will Trader Online generally be second rate and this is not the Trader Online way you want to go. Try to find a low cost broker Trader Online that also provides a high standard of service, they do exist and they are the best way to start your day trading Trader Online online career. Armed with this information you will Trader Online have a basic knowledge of what it takes to become a day trader, I wish you all the best in your new successful Trader Online career! Hunting For A Good RV Trader Online Being able to find an RV trader online Trader Online is actually rather easy. The sites are practically everywhere you look, as well as in some places Trader Online unknown to common people. In any case, a simple search with the words "RV trader" can pull up a thousand Trader Online and one results, or more, that are all quite Trader Online relevant to the matter in question. However, as with anything else that you can stumble into while surfing the Trader Online Internet, finding a good RV trader online is not Trader Online quite as easy as one would assume it to be. Any RV trader online will have a listing of Trader Online recreational vehicles for sale and those ads will contain information pertinent to the Trader Online original purpose, so the presence of such ads is not an indication of the site's quality. While extra features Trader Online are good minor indicators, they are not the so-called "end all, be all" of determining whether or not an Trader Online RV trader is any good at doing what it is supposed to be doing. Naturally, said extra features can help make Trader Online a website seem to be more like what one needs but only through actually reading the site's content can Trader Online anyone actually determine that. Well, an RV trader inevitably is in the business of doing one thing: helping buyers Trader Online and sellers of recreational vehicles get in contract with one another. In that respect, the ways to Trader Online determine if one is looking at a good RV trader would Trader Online reflect the methods used to see if one is looking Trader Online at a good online merchant, as it were. With the above assumption in mind, the first step to determining whether an RV Trader Online trader online is any good or not would be by means of reality. Logically, if a company is reputable and good Trader Online in the real world, one may assume, without making it seem like too much of a stretch, that their website Trader Online is reflecting the same. The same rule applies in this scenario; thus, if the trader that one has Trader Online encountered on the Internet has a real world counterpart, the potential buyer should look into that real world counterpart Trader Online as a means of establishing credibility for Trader Online the website. Alternatively, the buyer also Trader Online has the option of going to the real world Trader Online counterpart directly and not have to deal with the impersonal nature of a website transaction. An additional indicator Trader Online whether or not an RV trader online is any good would be reputation. For all its faults, the Internet has Trader Online an exceedingly large redeeming value: it serves as an excellent venue to voice out concerns and opinions over anything one can imagine. As such, opinions, experiences, and Trader Online reports about RV trader websites -- their practices, their methods, and their flaws -- can be easily found Trader Online if one bothers to look. If this sounds much like finding character witnesses for a trial, that is Trader Online because it is. Checking on the reputation of an online business is essentially the same thing, only with a slightly different angle of Trader Online observation, so to speak. In one's search for a Trader Online good RV trader online, there are few Trader Online minor things to consider. General things like how prominent the website was when Trader Online you searched for it could play a factor. That is because search engine results are listed Trader Online based on popularity, which means that Trader Online the more popular a certain RV trader online is, the more prominently it will be displayed. If it is assumed that Trader Online a popular website is an honest one, then the buyer can assume that they Trader Online have found a reputable, good website that isn't out to rip them off. Of course, with the Trader Online Internet and human nature being Trader Online the way they are, there is absolutely no way to be completely certain of that assumption.

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